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Fat Loss For The Imperfect

false beliefsWhy do we do this to ourselves?

We beat ourselves up over the dumbest things. We make a small mistake and the world is over.

Do you do this to yourself, or am I the only one who’s crazy enough to allow this self-criticism?

I mean seriously. The other day I had someone send me an email to set up an appointment.

I thought the email said “let’s meet Tuesday at 9 am.” (It was Tuesday at 11 am when I read it.

I replied with “I would love to meet with you but please give me more notice.”

Then I read the email again… After I sent my response of course.

They wanted to meet on Thursday not Tuesday!

I felt so stupid. All I could think about was how dumb I must have sounded.

We do this to ourselves all the time.

  • Ate a cookie while dieting –> I am so weak!
  • Skipped a workout –> Why am I so lazy?

Here is the truth. We don’t have to be perfect to reach our fat loss goals.

In this interview with heather you will see how her realization that perfection is a myth freed her to see the results she wanted to see.


After the video make sure to check out my take on an imperfect fat loss journey.

Heather is a fighter and I love her as a friend.

Fat loss goals must be achieved imperfectly. Otherwise we wouldn’t learn about ourselves.

The important thing is what we do when we make a mistake.

This is what change in real life looks like.

Stage 1: Screw up for a day –> feel bad –> screw up more –> feel worse —> remember I don’t have to keep doing this –> get back on track

Stage 2: Screw up for a day –> feel bad –> screw up more –> remember I don’t have to keep doing this –> get back on track

Stage 3: Screw up for a day –> feel bad –> remember I don’t have to keep doing this –> get back on track

Stage 4: Screw up for a day –> remember I don’t have to keep doing this –> get back on track

Stage 5: Screw up for an hour –> remember I don’t have to keep doing this –> get back on track

Stage 6: Screw up for a few minutes –> remember I don’t have to keep doing this –> get back on track

Stage 7: Consider screw up –> remember “that never works” –> decide otherwise

So there’s a lot of steps between our old patterns and never making a mistake! And even after we get to that Level 7 event, we can still dabble in levels 6 and 5.

Give yourself time to unlearn your bad habits, you’ll mess up a’plenty on the road to change. But you’re still on the road.

Taken from Georgie Fear

What stage are you at? Share with us in the comments below.

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