Lose Weight With Mac N’ Cheese

I bet you absolutely love eating cardboard… Right?!

I mean, it is the best thing in the world to jump into a weight loss plan knowing that you are going to be eating bland, boring food.

For some reason, it keeps motivation up…

And keeps you wanting to continue.

Ok, you know I’m being a little sarcastic here.

For me personally, the flavor is extremely important.

At my house, my kids absolutely love my cooking (one of these days I’ll show a video of them coming to the table).

The reason they love it is because I make sure that everything tastes great.

I grew up in a family that didn’t eat the best.

Enjoying food was important.

I wanted to keep that going, but I wanted it to also be healthy and help me, my wife and our kids stay lean and strong.

Well, check out one way we do that.
