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Alternating Diets


I hate diets. I absolutely hate them. Getting on a diet and staying on it for a long period of time absolutely drives me nuts.


And part of the reason why I’m not a fan of diets is because we’re restricting ourselves. We’re taking away a lot of the things that we enjoy, and I don’t think that that’s a good way of seeing the success you want to see.


I think that we need to have the things we enjoy incorporated into our program. So how do we do that? How do we add in those foods we love and still make sure that we’re seeing results?


Well, recently I’ve been asking all my clients to try a different way of eating. Something called alternating diets.


This is something that I tried back in high school (when I used to have hair).


Back in the late 90’s there was a really popular weight loss program called Body for Life that kind of started the popularity of body transformation competitions. I entered one of these competitions with the hope of winning the grand prize.


Aside from the prize, I was also motivated to gain a lot of muscle and burn a lot of fat. So I practiced an alternating diet approach.


And so for two weeks, I would eat as much food as I possibly could. I was forcing 5,000 calories of food in my mouth every day.


For a growing teenage boy it was fun at first. But at the end of the two weeks, I just hated food!


So for two weeks afterwards, I would go into starvation mode. I would eat just enough to get by each day. My mind was always preoccupied with food during those two weeks, and I wanted to eat anything I could get my hands on. All I could think about was chocolate!


Then I would get on my eat big diet for two weeks, and I’d keep going back and forth between those two diets.


Now, I don’t recommend dieting on both ends of the extreme. It’s not a good idea.


I saw really good results with it as a teenage boy, but it was mental torture at times!


So now I’ve asked my clients to try a similar approach that obviously isn’t as extreme, and they’ve been doing really well with this.


So what do I have them do? I have them follow a fairly strict plan for as long as they can handle. Sometimes this diet can be followed for a couple of weeks or a couple of months.


And then what do you do? You get back to relaxing with your eating for about a week or two. Eat the foods that you enjoy and take a break from a strict diet.


Sounds much more doable, right?


When you alternate to your relaxed diet there are two guidelines to follow.

1.     Eat mindfully

2.     Still eat proteins and high-nutrient foods along with the foods you enjoy


It is important to be in control of your cravings during your relaxed diet. I don’t like the idea of cheat meals, because people tend to binge eat. Doing that will limit the results you’ll see.


You don’t have to diet for a long period of time.


You don’t have to say goodbye to the foods that you love.


You can still see results by alternating your diet!


Let’s say goodbye to long-term, restrictive diets now.


To get customized guidance go to Let’s get you where you want to be.



John Gibson