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The Worst Piece of Advice From a Doctor

After a few months, we realized that something more than baby blues and hormones was going on. Something that was keeping my wife from living her life to the fullest. Something that was blocking her from the life she wanted to lead.


So we did what anybody does when they feel like something isn’t right with their body—we went to the doctor.


We were hoping to find answers, solutions. Instead, we were handed a diagnosis that left us with more questions.


He sat us down and told us she had PCOS. We didn’t know much about it but we were happy to hear a diagnosis. Surely that meant we could fix the symptoms and get back to a sense of normalcy.


Unfortunately, that’s not how the conversation went.


He told her that because of the PCOS it would be nearly impossible for her to lose weight. Then just a few minutes later, in that same conversation, he said that she needed to lose weight to take care of her other symptoms.


She stopped him, frustrated, and said, “But how do I do that?”


The doctor (who had referred patients to me many times) looked at her blankly for a minute, then pointed to me and said, “He would know better than I would.”


My wife and I just looked at each other. I didn’t know what to do. I had been trying to help. But I wasn’t an expert in PCOS. Nothing I suggested seemed to make a difference.


We left, not sure what to do next. Nothing was working, and the doctor, who we had hoped would give us answers, hadn’t given us anything to go off of.


I didn’t know what to do. I felt hopeless. Helpless.


But my wife was suffering, and I couldn’t watch her continue to hate the way she looked and felt.


I knew I had to do something. I wasn’t one to sit by and watch my wife live her life in agony.


So I threw myself into research. I read everything I could: every peer-reviewed study, every publication, anything I could get my hands on.


What I learned changed everything. I learned why women with PCOS struggle with the symptoms my wife was going through. There were scientific reasons why my wife was struggling.


That gave me hope. This wasn’t some mystery, some enigma that we couldn’t tackle. It wasn’t something she had to live with for the rest of her life. It was something we could handle; something we could fix.


Soon we had a plan of action that we could take. For the first time, I had hope that I could actually help her. This was the beginning of a new path for both of us. For her, it was a path to getting her life back.


For me, it was the path that would eventually lead me to specialize in helping women with PCOS lose weight and control their symptoms.


For today, I want to help you. Are you beating yourself up over things you can’t control? Have you had that same conversation with a doctor, telling you that you can’t lose weight, but you should? If you have, go to to learn how you can reach your health goals with PCOS.


Talk soon,
