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A Skeptic And A Changed Life

The worst part of my business is seeing women who are completely discouraged, feeling helpless about their own bodies.


It’s understandable—they have tried everything they can think of. They have worked hard. They have done everything weight loss experts have told them to do. But nothing has worked.


They’re tired, they’re discouraged, and they start to think that nothing will ever work for them.


But the best part of my business is proving them wrong, showing them that they can get results and reclaim their bodies.


That’s exactly what happened with Chrissy.


When Chrissy and I first spoke on the phone, she was not buying anything I was saying. She had tried everything. She’d done Keto, intermittent fasting, the paleo diet, Weight Watchers, Herbalife—you name it.


Every time she had started a new program, she had gotten her hopes up. Every time, she had been let down.


Chrissy grew discouraged. She believed that nothing would ever work for her. She would never lose the weight she wanted to lose. She would never live the life she wanted to live.


So when she found me, she was the biggest skeptic I had ever come across.


She told me, “Ugh, I know this isn’t going to work. But, fine. I’ll sign up for the program.”


My heart hurt for her, knowing how many times she had been let down. But I was also excited. I knew that I could help her. I knew that I could lead her to the change she believed was never coming.


Because I knew that my program wasn’t like any of the other things that she was trying. My program was designed for women like her. It wasn’t designed for the average person who just wanted to lose a few pounds. It was created, based on science, for women with PCOS.


Three months later, Chrissy emailed me.


“John, I don’t understand how this is working. I have tried everything. I have even tried some of what you teach. But the pieces have never come together for me the right way. I don’t know how. But it’s working.”


I couldn’t help but laugh, remembering the way she talked during our first meeting, when she truly believed she was throwing money at a problem that she would never find a solution to.


Chrissy ended up losing over 60 pounds. That was wonderful for her. But the real change in her life was much bigger than that.


Her weight loss made her dream come true. Before she started my program, Chrissy had an unattainable dream to go to Tokyo. It was everything she ever wanted. But she couldn’t comfortably fit in an airplane seat. She thought she would never get to go.


After she lost the 60 pounds, she got to go to Tokyo.


That’s the kind of client I live for, the kind of story that gets me up in the morning and drives me forward.


What I’m doing isn’t about numbers on a scale. It isn’t even just about inches lost or clothes fitting better. It’s about changing lives.


I feel a sense of calm when I hear those stories, a stillness where I know I am doing exactly what I should be doing.


I felt it with Chrissy.


I felt it when a client called me last week saying, “I lost eight inches in a week…is this too good to be true? Is it going to stay?”


I felt it with every one of my ten current clients who became pregnant when they were not sure they would ever be able to.


Changing lives is what keeps me moving forward. Tomorrow, I’ll share more with you about what my program offers and how we can celebrate wins together.


For today, I want to know about your skepticism. I’m sure that, like Chrissy and like so many of my patients, you’re reading this thinking, “Can this really help me? I have tried everything.” I believe you. I know you have.


What’s holding you back? What has you doubting my program? If you are skeptical, I don’t blame you. All I ask is that you give me a chance by going to to begin your journey today.


Changing lives,
