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Burn More PCOS Fat By Sleeping

Burn More PCOS Fat By Sleeping

We live in a busy world right now.

We are taught to go, go, go…

It feels like we are constantly looking for the next moment we can stop and rest.

Then when it’s time to finally stop and sleep for the night the last thing we want to do.

But when dealing with PCOS we need to do everything we can to put our bodies into fat burning mode if we want to see any weight loss success.

And a great way to burn more fat is with adequate sleep.

You see, when we sleep enough… and have good quality sleep… some cool things happen to our bodies.

For example, sleep drops some of our hunger hormones, namely ghrelin, so that our appetite is manageable.

Which in turn means that we eat less food and feel more satisfied.

All good things, right?

Next, when we sleep our bodies speed up our metabolisms.

Again, this is good if we are trying to lose weight.

But unfortunately, sleep isn’t always something we try to work on.

And, with PCOS, a lot of times sleep gets disrupted.

That’s why we need to take some extra precautions to make sure we can get the sleep we need.

So, if you have PCOS and you want to see amazing weight loss results, here are three things to do to help get the sleep you need.

Limit Caffeine To The Morning.

Caffeine is a great substance. It has helped me get through some very tough and tiring times.

But it can also be the cause of some of our problems.

For example, if we NEED caffeine in the morning to help us function, it could be the caffeine itself that is driving that need.

Let’s follow a scenario. In the morning we wake up and grab a cup of coffee, an energy drink or some tea.

This gives a little bit of a pick-me-up for the morning.

Then by noon we are feeling drained again because our body is just screaming for some good quality sleep.

So, we grab another caffeine boost.

Then 4 or 5 p.m. roll around and the energy tank is empty once again, but we still have responsibilities to take care of…

So, we grab another energy booster and we are good until it is time for bed.

By the time bedtime rolls around we should have all that caffeine out of our system to let us sleep, right?

Wrong, it takes 6 hours for half of the caffeine we have downed to leave our body.

Now you may be one of the lucky ones who can fall asleep quickly, and that’s great…

But what we don’t realize is that caffeine can also keep us from going into deep sleep.

So, we may be able to stay asleep all night, but our mind never really goes into that regenerative sleep that helps us feel refreshed for the next day.

Then we wake up, exhausted and needing caffeine to function…

And thus, the cycle continues.

So, what do we do about that?

The first thing is to stop consuming caffeine after noon every day.

Let the caffeine work its way out of our system so we can go into deep sleep levels and feel refreshed in the mornings.

Keep Alcohol to A Minimum

I find alcohol very odd.

In the circle I tend to run around in, people will demonize gluten for all the “bad” things it does to our bodies.

They’ll talk about the horrible affects of dairy, and lectins.

But the one thing they will never talk bad about or mention avoiding is alcohol.

All the positive things seen from alcohol are not from the alcohol molecule itself, but rather from the other things found in the drink.

Things like resveratrol which is found the highest in red wine at 14.3 mg/L according to Oregon State.

But let’s put that into perspective…

You’d need to drink about 10 liters of red wine to get the same amount of resveratrol from 1 cup of grapes.

And if you are drinking that much red wine on a regular basis, we have other issues we need to talk about.

So, in a nutshell, drink your alcohol for the alcohol and let’s stop talking about its “health benefits”.

Now, how does alcohol affect our sleep.

Well, it will make us fall asleep faster, but, like caffeine, it blocks our ability to go into deep sleep.

Even a tiny night cap can limit your REM sleep to one single shallow episode.

So, to make sure you are getting the sleep you need, cut your alcohol intake down to as little as possible

Don’t Eat Too Close to Bed

Maybe you’ve heard that you shouldn’t eat after [insert arbitrary time] at night.

I’m told that for some magical reason our metabolism will begin to store all of our food as fat at the stroke of 7 PM, as if our fairy godmother blessed our metabolism each morning with the blessing wearing off each evening.

But there may be a reason for not eating too close to bed.

Heavy digestion of our food can make it difficult to fall asleep.

But here’s the cool thing…

Unlike caffeine and alcohol, you’ll know for sure if it’s affecting your sleep.


Because even falling asleep can be an issue.

If this is the case for you, try cutting back when you eat your last meal.

Cut off your eating one hour before bed and see how things go.

If you fall asleep easily, then you’re all set.

If you still struggle, cut it back by another 30 minutes.

Once you hit three hours before bed, digestion is not a part of your sleep troubles.

The steps to take at this point will be covered another day.

So, take your sleep seriously and give these three things a try.

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