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PCOS Fat Loss Recipe

One of the biggest mistakes I see PCOS Fighters make is not sticking to the correct fat loss recipe.

Let me explain…

Imagine someone wanted to make some cookies

They pulled out 10 different recipes for things like cookies, cakes, and brownies.

As this person glanced through the recipes, they wrote down a couple ingredients from each one.

A little flour here…

Some sugar there…

And a dash of yeast…

If you know anything about baking, you’ll know this recipe is going to turn out more like a 4th grade science project than cookies.

Oh, but we also need a little background on this person.

For years they’ve tried to refine their skills of baking.

But regardless of what they try, “nothing” works for them.

They try different combinations of these recipes…

They’ve tried different oven temps…

The results are always the same… Failure!

This analogy is similar to what I see women with PCOS do on a daily basis.

They’ll tell me how they heard of a plan from one guru and decided to use different parts of it.

Then they heard another person share another plan which they grabbed a few more goodies from… but only the parts they liked.

And to their frustration, this franken-plan didn’t work for them

That’s when they say, “nothing works for me.”

When in fact, something will work…

It just needs to be the right recipe.

So, what does this recipe look like?

Here are the basics…

1) Focus on nourishment… Not restriction.

You will not lose the fat you want to lose with PCOS by cutting all the “bad” foods from your diet

The gurus that are telling you to cut out dairy, gluten, carbs, or anything else are blowing smoke up your skirt.

It might feel good in the beginning, but as time goes on you realize it’s worthless.

Instead your focus should be on what to add to your diet.

Are you getting enough fruits and veggies?

Is your protein intake adequate?

How are your omega-3 and vitamin D levels?

Stop worrying about what to take out of your diet and start adding in the good stuff.

2) Burn fat and calories AFTER the workout… Not during.

I don’t care how many calories you burn or how much fat you melt during your workout.

Our bodies are amazing at adapting.

If you burn a load of calories during the workout…

You’ll burn less the rest of the day.

If you burn a ton of fat in your cardio session…

Your body will do its best to burn more carbs as the day goes on.

On the other hand, a short intense workout will burn more fat in the hours after the workout than you could ever burn during.

3) Get your mind right.

We love to focus on diet and exercise but forget that our beliefs influence our actions.

If we don’t believe something will work for us… It won’t.

Our mind and body are connected…

And yes, our mind can change how our body works… To a point.

And that extra help doesn’t hurt.

4) Be accountable

It’s nice to have someone hold us accountable…

But are we willing to BE accountable?

To reach out and ask for help when needed?

Accountability is all about making sure we are doing what we say we will…

As well as doing the right things.

The best accountability partner will make sure we are not wasting our time.

5) Join or create a community.

There are others going through the same struggles you are.

Don’t go at this alone.

Join a group that is already created…


Create your own group.

Get and give support.

The road is not easy and having others by your side can only help.

Obviously, we can go deeper into each of these ingredients and I will in the future.

But if you’d like my help reaching your fat loss goals with PCOS just follow the link below and we’ll create a plan that will work for you.



John Gibson