I learned young that a good coach could make the difference between success and failure.
When I was 11 or 12, I was on a city league baseball team.
Growing up I was always a pretty good athlete, but I struggled in baseball.
I just couldn’t hit the ball when I was at bat.
That season I wanted to succeed, so I thought I’d copy the best hitters.
The best player on our team seemed to hit ever pitch thrown to him with ease.
At one point, my teammate told me the “secret” to his success…
It was his brand-new Easton bat his dad bought him at the start of the season.
It really was an awesome bat…
The grip was comfortable, and it seemed sooooo easy to swing.
In practice I decided to give the bat a try.
My very first chance at bat I swung at the first pitch…
And I hit it. It wasn’t anything amazing, but I had at least hit it.
I was sold! This was the bat for me.
So, for the next few games I gave that bat a try…
I was so convinced that the bat was the answer to all my batting woes that I persuaded my parents to buy me the exact same bat.
The same brand, length and weight. No difference whatsoever.
But guess what, I didn’t hit a single pitch in any of the games I used the bat.
Then one game my coach walked up to me and handed me a different bat to use.
He told me it looked like I was swinging the other bat too fast, so I needed a heavier bat.
“A heavier bat!?” I thought. What was he talking about. That bat was soooo hard to swing.
I felt like there was no way I’d ever hit a ball with the heavier bat.
But I trusted him and so I gave the bat a try.
My very first at bat with this longer, heavier, harder to swing bat…
I hit the first pitch.
Not only that, but the ball soared through the air over EVERYONE’S head.
I made it to 3rd base on that hit.
I was shocked to say the least.
The next time I went to bat, I hit the first pitch again, with similar results.
Except it went a little further allowing me to run all the way to home base.
For the rest of the season I AVERAGED 2 homeruns per game.
You see, I had the ability to hit the ball…
I had the strength to hit the ball far…
All I was missing was the right tool.
Now, I see this same thing happen with women who deal with PCOS when they tried to lose weight.
They have the ability to lose weight…
They even have the strength and tenacity.
But when they try to lose weight, they follow the crowd, they use the generic “popular” programs of the time.
Really quick here are three things you DO NOT need to do to lose weight with PCOS.
- You don’t need to go gluten free.
Are there people who should…? Yes. They have celiac disease or a severe intolerance to gluten. Other than that, you don’t need to go gluten free to lose weight with PCOS.
- You don’t need to go dairy free.
Just like gluten, only people who have allergies or a severe intolerance to dairy need to eliminate it. And as a side note, you also don’t need to add it in if you don’t want to.
- You don’t need to do the keto diet.
The best diet for you is the diet that you can stick with, the one that works with your schedule and cooking abilities, the one that keeps you satisfied and avoids making you feel starved, the one that curbs your cravings.
If keto does that for you, perfect! It will work for you. But most people don’t do as well with the keto diet and are accused of not “wanting” it enough, or of having “poor willpower”.
A good weight loss program doesn’t require you to use your willpower on a regular basis.
So, just like my story above, there are dozens of tools that will help you lose weight with PCOS.
And if someone tells you that you absolutely must do gluten free/dairy free/keto… they are not a coach that can guide you to what is best for you.
They are just regurgitating the latest fad.
So, if you want help and guidance that is individualized to you…
To your schedule…
To your likes and dislikes…
To your person physiology…
Then go ahead and schedule a call with me to see how I can help you succeed in losing weight this year.
All you need to do is follow this link and pick a time.