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Healthy Living On A Busy Schedule

“I’m too busy to eat right and work out.”


It’s something I hear all the time. And you know what? It’s valid.


I hear about weight loss programs and coaches that will just tell you, “You’re not too busy. There are no excuses. Just make time.”


Very helpful, right?


I’m not here to tell you that you aren’t busy or to leave you to figure things out on your own. Instead, I’m going to show you ways that you can work within a busy schedule to eat right and exercise.


The biggest obstacle is the workout. You have to get your exercise in. But it doesn’t have to be a full workout at the gym that takes up an hour or more of your time each day. It doesn’t have to be a big ordeal where you change clothes, work out, then have to shower and change and fix your hair and go back on with your day.


Ideally, you’ll work out for 30 minutes a day. But what if we split that up into reasonable chunks? What if you exercised for 2-5 minutes a day multiple times a day?


If you can, take a break at work every couple of hours and do a few minutes of exercise.


And if you can’t, then do five minutes in the morning when you wake up and five minutes before you go to bed. It isn’t perfect, but it’s better than nothing.


There’s always a good, better, and best idea. But we tend to get so focused on the best that we forget about the other options. We think if we can’t do the best, we should just give up.


It doesn’t have to be that way. We have to do the things that will get us closer to our goals, even if it’s not the ideal way to get there.


The next obstacle is food. It’s much easier to swing through a drive-thru than it is to prepare a healthy meal. So we need to come up with practical strategies to help us nourish our bodies even when we’re busy.


Having quick, healthy food options is crucial if you’re going to stay committed to your health. Smoothies are a great, fast way to get all of your nutrients (plus you can take them on the go.) If you’re extra busy, prep all your fruit and protein powder in a Ziploc bag in advance, so in the morning, you just have to pour, blend, and go.


Then think about healthy fast food options. In an ideal world, you’d grow all of your own food at home and make every meal from scratch. But that’s not realistic for most people.


The majority of us have to eat fast food at least sometimes. So what can we do to come up with healthier options? Instead of McDonald’s, hit up Subway and get a salad.


Just like with exercise, when it comes to food, there’s a good, better, and best option. Don’t let the idea of the best stand in your way and keep you from making good choices.


If you hold yourself to unrealistic standards, you’re going to miss the mark. And instead of finding good choices you can make, you’ll just keep beating yourself down.


The Fat Extraction Method works even when you’re busy. Sometimes, it just requires a little outside of the box thinking.


Tell me about your health goals. What busy things are getting in the way of these goals? I promise that we’re not going to hold you to unrealistic standards. Instead, we’re going to find ways to make it work within your lifestyle, even if that means settling for the good instead of the best.


Go to to learn more!


Good is good enough,
