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Prioritizing Your Health

A busy life can feel like a juggling act. You’re balancing work, family, and responsibilities. When you start to think about adding healthy eating, meal prep, and exercising into the mix, it can seem like you’re destined to fail.


But if you look closely, you’re usually juggling some things that actually could be dropped.


A few years back, I heard Stephen Covey talk about time management through a rock metaphor. You have big rocks, medium rocks, little pebbles, and sand that you can put in a jar.


If you fill the jar with sand then try to put everything else in, it’s never going to fit. If you start with the little pebbles, you can fit in the small stuff and the sand, but you’re not going to fit the bigger things.


But if you start with the biggest rocks and then fill in the smaller ones, pouring the sand in last, you’ll get all the biggest pieces in place.


Think of the most important things in your day as the big rocks. Work. Family. Relationships. These are the things that need to take priority. The sand is the little things. Social media. Netflix. Entertainment.


Here’s the deal—your health is one of those big rocks. It’s not the sand you sprinkle in at the end. It needs to go in with the other big rocks. You can’t try to squeeze in your health after you’ve filled your day with everything else.


If you’re having trouble finding where in your day you can fit in your health, try finding where those smaller things are. Spend a few days writing down everything you did in 15 minute increments.


Then look back at it. Are you filling your day with things that are not important? Is your health taking the backburner to small pebbles and sand?


What could you take out to make room for a big rock?


Maybe it’s less TV or entertainment. Maybe it’s picking just one or two extracurricular activities for your kids instead of having them do dance and soccer and music and art. Maybe it’s cutting back on social media.


The point is that your health is a big rock, and it has to go in first. If it feels like you’re juggling too much, you need to find what you can cut out that matters less.


Because at the end of the day, your health changes the quality of your life. It doesn’t deserve to take last place.


One simple thing you can do today to improve your health is to incorporate The Fat Extraction Method in your life. It’s going to teach you a new outlook on your weight and give you a plan to take control of your health.


I’ll share this method with you if you’re serious about making your health one of your top priorities.


Are you committed to reaching your goals? If so, go to to start today!


It’s time to start prioritizing what really matters.


Choosing the big rocks,

