Let’s Have a BBQ

Summer is just around the corner. Where I live I will believe it when I see it (it just snowed this morning). When I think of summer I tend to think of food. With the 4th of July and the chance to get outdoors and BBQ. Over the past couple of years I have been…

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How To Stop The Yo-Yo Weight Loss – Interview

Saturday mornings I love to turn on the TV just to see the latest fitness gimmick. My favorite is hearing the newest marketing term turned scientific principle. Things like “Muscle Confusion” (sorry, but every decent coach or trainer has been doing this for years under the term “Periodization”) When I see the results they show…

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Fat Loss For The Imperfect

Why do we do this to ourselves? We beat ourselves up over the dumbest things. We make a small mistake and the world is over. Do you do this to yourself, or am I the only one who’s crazy enough to allow this self-criticism? I mean seriously. The other day I had someone send me…

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Interview With Busy Mother Of Two

I’ll bet her weight loss struggles are harder than yours! If you have a sweet tooth you know how hard it can be to turn down an amazing pastry. You know.. one of those cupcakes that are so perfectly created. And when you bite into it, it seems to hit every pleasure sensor your mouth…

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Resolutions Done Right!

It’s New Year’s Resolution Time, and chances are you are going to fail… again! As long as we keep listening to conventional wisdom about goal setting and resolutions we are never going to succeed. Every year we get the advice to set realistic goals, write our goals down and track our progress. So we religiously…

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What Are You Sacrificing?

It is so hard to give something up! Our family recently found out that we are going to have a new baby in the family. I have come to the realization that I am going to be sacrificing a lot for the baby. Sleep (up every 2 hours… what!) Comfort (rocking the baby when I’m…

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Why Is It So Hard To Get Motivated?

One day last winter the power went out, and on that day it just so happened to be a -15 degrees outside. When I woke up the house was freezing. I didn’t have the motivation to do anything. All I wanted to do was stay in bed and cozy up to my wife. But I…

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How To Enjoy Thanksgiving And Keep The Weight Off

I’ve been thinking about some things lately. A couple months ago I was finishing up a competition that I entered. A 12 month muscle building competition. The goal was to put on as much muscle as possible I think I did a pretty good job. Towards the end of the competition I needed to lose…

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Calories Matter, But Don’t Count

Standing in front of a crowd of people eagerly waiting to hear the secrets to fat loss. I started out, “everyone who loves counting calories, please raise your hand.” I wasn’t really surprised to see no movement, except for the turned down chins as people scoffed at the notion. That is correct, no one in…

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What Is The Best Breakfast For Fat Loss?

Starting your day off right is important to your success in any area of your life. What you eat – or what you don’t eat for that matter – can affect the rest of your day in huge ways. As of today all of the major health organizations are recommending a breakfast that will: Increase…

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