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How Did A Woman Who Couldn’t Walk Or Breathe On Her Own Lose 63 Pounds In 6 Months?

How She Did It Will Completely Change The Way You Look At Weight Loss!


When I married my wife Amy I made a promise to love and cherish her through anything. My wedding vows were severely put to the test shortly after our wedding day.

Asleep in bed one night, I was startled awake by what felt like an earthquake. I shot up and looked around. Nothing else in the room was moving.

Amy was experiencing what looked like a grand mal seizure.  This seizing went on for nearly 45 minutes, before she exhaled and stopped breathing.

Her diaphragm was spasming which wouldn’t allow her to breathe. For the rest of that year we were in and out of hospitals searching for answers. On a daily basis Amy would randomly collapse, seize, and stop breathing.

Overtime things seemed to improve a little on its own. With fewer episodes we made a huge decision that changed our lives forever.

It was time to start our family. Two kids later, Amy’s weight had reached well over 200 pounds. But that wasn’t the worst of it.

After our second child was born Amy suffered from severe postpartum depression and the seizures had come back with a vengeance. Her breathing stopped more frequently and for longer periods of time.

The doctor’s visits ensued with yet more unanswered questions. Amy’s depression worsened and she began hating how she looked in her own skin.

We had a glimmer of hope that if she could lose some weight and eat better that her health would improve. But with a lack of energy, the constant fear of collapsing to the ground, and the need to take care of two young children she struggled to prepare meals that didn’t require a microwave let alone do any type of physical activity.

I had to figure out how to help her. I was a personal trainer and if I couldn’t help her how could I help my clients.

I spent the next year pouring over books, attending seminars, and collaborating with other trainers and nutritionists. I realized that I had been doing everything wrong.

I was subject to the myths of fat loss, myths that I had actually been taught throughout my graduate and undergraduate programs.

Myth #1: Hours of Cardio In The “Fat Burning Zone” Is Required To Lose Weight!

Amy’s body proved that wrong. Every time she tried to do cardio in the “fat burning zone” she collapsed. We later found out that this raised her cortisol levels so high that it pushed her over the edge. Not only that, but the “fat burning zone” does very little for boosting metabolism.

Weight training and intervals helped kick her metabolism into high gear without over working her. She got more benefits from a short 20 minute workout, than a long 60 minute run.

Myth #2: A Low Fat Diet Is Heart Healthy And Important For Fat Loss.

Fat is important for regulating hormones that deal with fat storage and mood.

As soon as we increased Amy’s fat intake her outlook improved, her cravings decreased, her cholesterol dropped and her fat loss accelerated.

Myth #3: Women Will Get Bulky If They Lift Heavy Weights.

The idea that women should lift light weight with high reps to get toned is wrong in so many ways.

We went against this idea and Amy did anything but bulk. Her arms got smaller and more toned and her thighs slimmed down.

By following many of the false beliefs and ideas I was taught during college I limited Amy’s progress.

With this new found knowledge Amy was on the fast track to fat loss… so I thought. We weren’t home free yet. With all this new information she struggled to apply it.

She didn’t have the energy to cook healthy meals, lift weights and do intervals. The tasks just seemed too daunting. We had to figure out a way to help her actually be able to apply these things.

We decided to break it down into baby steps. Amy needed actionable steps that almost seemed too easy to implement. Amy questioned the logic, but gave it a try. Despite the depression, fatigue, random collapsing, and inability to breath at times, she successfully instilled each new habit that she was given. Leading to, for lack of a better word, jaw dropping results.

Over 6 months she lost 63 pounds and completely changed her life.

Amy Before and afterNow this isn’t a fairytale, she wasn’t miraculously cured of all her ailments. But what she did experience was amazing enough.

Her depression was almost 100% gone, her fatigue was finally manageable, the collapsing and breathing issues went from happening daily to happening 2-3 times a year. The struggle she went through turned out to be a huge blessing in disguise.

From what I learned through Amy’s experience I knew there was a better way to help my clients lose weight. But even more than that, it was a way to help my clients change their lives.

As soon as I began teaching my clients these same principles I was amazed by the response.

To be honest it wasn’t completely positive. Many people resisted the idea… It was too easy. My clients had preconceived ideas of what would work and what wouldn’t. They wanted to change everything all at once, because that is what worked for them in the past. There was one major problem with that idea.

They had lost weight in the past only to regain it. This was not my idea of a successful weight loss program.

Those who embraced the idea of gradual change actually saw as much as 10 pounds of weight loss per week. But an even bigger change that I saw…

… Was a shift away from the short-term-change mentality. Clients weren’t looking forward to the day that they could go back to their old lifestyle. They now looked at each day as an opportunity to improve their lives.

For years I applied these principles with my clients and had multiple people ask me if I could work with their friend or family member in a different state. I tried it, but without success. I couldn’t figure out the best way to communicate with them.

Then one day a light came on in my mind that was the day that the Bod-e-Volv coaching program was conceptually born.

The Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program Is Unlike Any Coaching Program You Have Ever Seen!

The Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program started out as just a nutrition and exercise program. It was designed as a way for me to share my nutrition and exercise information, but has grown into so much more.

It has become a life changer. Two months ago I started a pilot group to give this program a try and let me know how the program is working.

The response has been awesome, and could be described as overwhelmingly positive.
Here is what these pilot participants have to say

Former Victim Turned Warrior Has Lost 42 Pounds

Heather M.

Lost Over 8 Inches!

Lisa B.

I Am Becoming A Better Wife And Friend

Melinda M.

Grandma’s Can Lose Weight Too!

photoI have been in this program for 8 weeks.   I have currently lost 7 pounds and 6 inches, and it is starting to come off faster now.

The other morning I stood in front of the mirror and realized I am not so flabby and looking better. But most of all, I am feeling better.  Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.  I know that I am worth it–I deserve to look good again!  Many of the lessons are about what our mind does when we are working on losing weight.  I don’t feel like giving up. I signed up for this program for six months.  I need all of that time to continue on so I don’t resort to old habits.  I believe I will sign up for more.  I am learning so much!  I have never been part of a “healthier for life” program that meets all my needs as this program does.

John is there each day to answer questions–has even called me with individual concerns.  Having a support group of other people on the program has also been great.  Many of them have inspirational stories, or just great recipes or words of encouragement.

Elaine C.

“I Lost 10 Pounds In 1 Month After Putting My Heart Into The Program”

I highly dislike fad diets. I could tell from the start that this would not be like that. This was all about lifestyle change – mindset, eating, exercise all in one. It’s a choice though. Just saying that I was on this program and only doing it half-heartedly wouldn’t cut it. Half-hearted effort in the first few weeks got me some results, sure, but when I really got my mind into the game, I started seeing AMAZINGLY fast changes. John has put years of focus, research and effort into figuring out how our bodies work. And he succeeded. The science is spot on. The method is even better. He recognizes our capacity for new information, and only gives a little at a time. He doesn’t ask for perfect, just good enough. The mental part of this race to health and fitness is huge. He recognizes that and gives the tools to work through our mental blocks. There is WORK involved in this program. You’re not going to lose 10 pounds in the first two weeks. But small good choices lead to other good choices which lead to results. John has got this thing figured out. I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of it.

Aubrey B.

Lost 1 Pound In 6 Weeks On A Fad Diet… Down 10 Pounds In 8 Weeks With Bod-e-Volv!

358_39568101561_5008_nBefore I started this program I had just tried a different program. Fit in Six. You work really hard for six weeks, don’t eat hardly any treats, workout 5 days a week, and I only lost one pound. When I was done, I ate worse than I did before the program; I stopped working out as much because I needed a break. My daughter’s teacher and another lady asked me if I was pregnant. I had a 6 month old. I was DEFINITELY not pregnant. Awesome! I just felt like living the way I needed to get skinny was impossible so I might as well just eat and do what I could and enjoy life.

Since I started this program I have found that it is not all or nothing. I work hard, but because of the way it is presented I feel it’s easier to feel like this is a lifestyle change. I love how John helps us figure out what we can do, set goals and tells us that we can accomplish them. Then he gave us steps to help us achieve our goals and help you keep going. My favorite lesson so far was one where we had to talk about why we are doing this program, and why we thought it was a good idea. When it came down to it I realized that I was not doing this program because I am a self absorbed person, but so that I could give more to those around me. The more confident I am the easier it is to help others.

I have personally lost about 10 pounds and 12 inches so far. I am so excited about it. It has only been 8 weeks. What can I accomplish in the next 4 months? I am confident that I can weigh less, and be healthier than I have ever been. Woot!!!!

This program is changing the way I view so many things. I am learning ways to achieve goals in so many aspects of my life. I would definitely recommend this program to my friends. I already have a lot of them. If you have always been held back by fears, or you just think that you can’t lose weight like other people can, do it, try it, Believe in yourself, and pretty soon you will be the new you inside and out.

Michelle Z.

Losing Weight Exactly Where I Wanted It Gone!

10435_149175178703_4560672_nBefore I started the Bod-e-Volv Program I was already exercising on a regular basis. After having my fifth baby I was not happy with the way I looked and I needed a change. I started a workout program and lost weight pretty fast, but hit a plateau. The plateau caused me to “give up” a little after a while. I gained back some weight and was not exercising as often as I needed to. I got to the point that I needed something more. That is when my sister told me about John’s program. I wasn’t sure at first if I wanted to do it. I didn’t want to send my measurements and before pictures to someone that I didn’t even know. I gave in and decided I could do it. I am so glad that I did!

After the first month I was feeling great and I knew that the program was helping because my shirts looked better and I wasn’t spending so much time picking out what I would wear because it made my stomach look five months pregnant. The moment I knew that it was really making a difference for me though, was when I took the first month pictures and compared them with my before pictures. It was amazing! I was finally losing the weight exactly where I wanted it to be gone! It actually surprised me because to me the workouts had not even been that hard and the habits that we worked on that first month were already things that I was doing before.

I continue to feel better and look better all the time. As for my weight, it is coming off very slowly, but I am not even concerned about that because I can see the difference the program is making without having to worry about the scale.

Because this has been such a positive experience for me and has really helped me to see things differently and actually work toward those changes that I so badly needed in my lifestyle, I would definitely recommend this program to my friends. For those that struggle with their weight and have tried other things with no success, there is a better way. It can work for anyone that is willing to be coached. “If it is to be, it is up to me.”

Michele H.

From Racing To Winning!

002My life was one big race, it still is most of the time! I have always been good about being active and so I spent a lot of time at the gym (at least one hour every morning of pounding cardio and then three time a week some added weight lifting) then I was off to my teaching job. I tried to pack healthy food, but something always caught my eye or I got a craving that I was honestly just too tired to try to avoid. I had been going through some personal stressful issues that led to binge eating. I had at least one stress eating session a day and it was catching up with me.

Now I don’t go to the gym as much now! I have toned down my workouts and am seeing much better results. I stick to my habits as best I can and I am able to think through my choices. My favorite thing is that I am not doing hours of bone jarring cardio workouts that were getting me absolutely nowhere! I haven’t binged in a long time and that is probably the most important thing to come out of this. I feel like I am getting healthier in all areas of my life, not just physically, but mentally too!

I feel better, I have more energy most of the time! My joints don’t hurt like they did before, I am losing some weight (slowly, but surely) and I can tell I am getting stronger, both because I am keeping track of what I am lifting and just because I feel stronger!

I would definitely recommend this program to my friends because it is truly based on health! Learning healthy habits and mastering them one at a time leads to a lifetime of change. Dieting may get you the results you want but this program will lead to permanent change and permanent change is the only way to keep us where we want to be!

Brooke S.

The Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program is designed to guide you step-by-step through your weight loss journey.

Most weight loss programs will provide you with a workout program or meal plan. They expect you to do some intense workout program or extremely restrictive meal plans that force you to eat their high priced meals.

Through you can lose with on these programs, they are almost impossible to maintain for the rest of your life, either due to boredom, cost, or how restrictive it is.

The Bod-e-Volv coaching program is designed to help you lose weight and keep it off forever. To do this I provide you with:

  • #1 Daily Workout Programs ($50/Month Value) – Because not all participants are able to workout in a gym, both an At-Home and Gym workout program is provided. The other nice thing about this program is that it is a coaching program which means the workout program can be tailored to your needs.
  • #2 Daily Lessons ($100/Month Value) – Each day you will receive a lesson where you will learn principles that will lead to your successful weight loss.
  • #3 Member Forum ($50/Month Value) – Social support is very important to succeed in a weight loss program. To ensure that you have the social support you need. Everyone is placed into a group of the same gender (men with men, women with women). This way you can feel comfortable sharing your struggles, concerns and successes with others in your similar situation. The forum is a great place to get extra help or motivation, and ideas from people experiencing the same things you are.
  • #4 Direct Access To Your Coach ($100/Month Value) – This is a coaching program; therefore you get direct access to your coach. Most communication will happen through the forum and email, and on occasion we can discuss problems and concerns on the phone.
  • #5 Ability To Earn $2,000† ($2,000 Value) – The Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program will pay you to do what you need to do to succeed. The amount you make is up to you. You can make nothing or up to $2,000. Unlike other transformation contests were only one person wins, in the Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program everyone who does the bare minimum to succeed will win both a new body and up to $2,000.
  • #6 A Chance To Win $10,000‡ ($10,000 Value) – On top of the chance to earn up to $2,000, you will be in the running to win $10,000. This will be given to the person who makes the biggest transformation.

I am so confident in this program that I am going to put my money where my mouth is in more ways than one.

You get my “Lose The Weight Or Get Double Your Money Back” Guarantee. If you don’t reach your goal or feel like you made satisfactory progress towards your goal, I will pay you 2X your money down.

Speaking of money down, what is the investment for the Bod-E-Volv Coaching Program?

For a monthly workout program, daily lessons, a members forum, direct contact to me, a chance to earn up to $2,000, a chance to win $10,000 and a double your money back guarantee ($466 to $1299/month value) your investment is only $120 a month for the 12 month period.

Now I have some good and some bad news.

Let’s go with the bad news first. The Bod-e-Volv coaching program is closed right now. The next enrollment period will be in about 3 months at the earliest.

Here is the good news; you can enroll today at 80%-90% off the regular price.

My vision (link to blog post) for the Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program is to help thousands of people reach their fitness goals. To do this I have designed a software program that will make your experience even better and allow me to be able to be more interactive with you.

To get this software program developed I have created a crowd sourcing campaign at

To your benefit I have created rewards for funding this project. These rewards will allow you to be able to participate in the Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program for a huge discount.

These rewards include:

$500 – You will become a lifetime member of the Bod-e-Volv program. Once you reach your goal, you will be able to come back if you ever need some extra help.

Also you will get free access to all future products that I create. As of right now the ideas I have include:

  • Recipe Books – Not your typical recipe book
  • Exercise and Nutrition Books
  • Many different mobile apps that will make grocery shopping, meal planning, and workouts much easier
  • Exercise equipment – This may revolutionize the home gym

$250 – You will get the full 12 months of free access to the Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program.

$100 – You will get 9 months of free access to the Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program.

$75 – You will get 6 months of free access to the Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program.

$50 – You will get 3 months of free access to the Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program.

$25 – 18 months of workout programs.

$20 – 12 months of workout programs.

$15 – 9 months of workout programs.

$10 – 6 month of workout programs.

$5 – 2 month of workout programs.

Time Is Running Out!

This offer has a time limit. Fundable has created a deadline for this funding campaign, which is July 17th 2013.

To get access to these awesome bonuses you must make your contributions before time runs out on July 17th 2013.

After July 17th the price will go back up to the regular price of $120 a month.

This is a once in a lifetime offer. I will never offer this deal or these rewards again.

To take advantage of these rewards, make your contribution today.

There are two ways that you can pledge. The first way is at The second is through PayPal*.


*If the minimum funding amount of $10,000 is not achieved your card won’t be charged (fundable) or will be refunded (PayPal).

†The reward system for the Bod-e-Volv Coaching Program will be offered ONLY IF the software program is funded.

‡The $10,000 transformation reward will only be offered IF the software program is funded.

4 thoughts on “How Did A Woman Who Couldn’t Walk Or Breathe On Her Own Lose 63 Pounds In 6 Months?”

    1. In the current program we have women from mid 20’s to mid 70’s. 2 months into the program the average weight loss for women in their 60’s and higher is about 8 pounds. Keeping this up they will lose about 30 pounds in 6 months.

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